Plan in Tanzania

Plan has worked since 1993 in Tanzania and has been active in three work areas: The port city Dar es Salaam, in and around Mwanza, a province city on the banks of lake Victoria and in the surroundings of Morogoro, south west of Dar es Salaam.

Watoto Kwanza is a famous slogan in Tanzania which means, Children Come First! This is Plan Tanzania's motto.

Plan Tanzania's work can be grouped into the following areas:

Poverty alleviation

In this program Plan supports traditional lending groups, small ventures development, career training, food safety measures and agricultural training.

Green and clean settlements

Addressing problems of access to water and sanitation Plan helps communities manage and improve their water and sanitation infrastructure. Environmental conservation is also a key focus of this program.

Education for all


Plan helps communities build and equip school facilities, supports teachers training, and strives to involve children and parents in decision-making.

Community based health care & child survival

Plan works with communities and district authorities to provide access to basic health care services for mothers and their children, to improve children's health, to practice family planning and to change sexual and reproductive behavior.

Malezi (childrearing and guidance)

In this program Plan supports dialogue and meaningful communication between sponsors and sponsored children, this is facilitated through sharing children's life experiences.